In class the other day we spoke about how powerful Facebook is, and once again while attempting to study for my Econ 101 midterm I realize how addicting it is. It literally addicts people to the point that were almost hypnotized into clicking the Facebook link on our favorites bar because its just to tempting. But the sad thing is that Facebook ins't even the most addicting activity that the Internet has to offer. Online games such as World of Warcraft literally become your life and identity. People spend hours upon hours leveling up their trolls and shamans so that they can defeat the evil dragon and secure his lair. I truly do believe that in a few years there will be rehab for computer addicts, because if theres an addition, then theres a rehab. It's something that we all need to take a step back and evaluate, the status of computers in our daily lives. Yes they make things easier and by no means am i proposing we revert to the typewriter. All I'm saying is that Facebook, as it's name entails, was designed to present who someone is, like a face, and instead it has encompassed their entire beings. I guess Carl Jung said it best when he said "Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism" and the fact is this idealism is the over reliance of computers.