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I know exactly what your thinking, why in the world would people invent robots to kill them, especially when they will be as handsome and powerful as Arnold Schwarzenegger. Lets be honest, his tall, dark, handsome, and that accent is to die for. My one question is "Could that movie be a realistic prediction of the future?". Now just hear me out. Ever since storytelling began hundreds of hundreds of years ago, people have been using symbols and metaphors within their works. A dove represents peace, a ring represents love, and ice can represent death. Can a Terminator be considered a symbol not for robotics, but for technology for a whole? The basic plot of the movie Terminator is that robots come back in time to destroy people who are a threat to them in a war in the future. Arnold Schwarzenegger is one of these robots and attempts to kill the leader of the human race. But how does this seem anything near real world situations? We live in a world where people have machines do everything. Drive us to work, communicate with our peers, even monitor us when we sleep. But now so more then ever we are seeing people abuse machinery at quite possibly the worst times. Teenagers are texting while driving, people are on conference calls while on the freeway and when devices like smoke detectors malfunction, it can lead to fatal results. Society 15 and 20 years ago realized where technology should play as a role in everyday life, in the background. Take away the meaningless tasks, but in modern times people are abusing it to the point of death or near fatal injuries. But the buck doesn't stop here. Children are IMing for hours on end, taking away from their education, while teenagers are playing Xbox live and Playstation online til the wee hours of the morning. By no means am I a martyr, but I do think we all need to take a step back and reevaluate what we let effect our lives. Losing a cell phone is a bigger deal then writing a paper. A place where Internet is down is highly frowned upon. And people without the most up to date equipment are seen as inferior. What ever happened to personal interaction? Face-to-face? Non-multitasking. By no means is James Cameron a prophet, but I do think he had something right when he directed this Sci-Fi blockbuster .
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