Many people know about,, and many other websites that allow online viewing of movies and TV shows, but have you heard of When I first heard about this website, I couldn't help but wonder how such a site isn't illegal. I mean, what is the point of having a TV when you can watch almost any TV show online. As for movies, Ch131 has those too. Obviously they don't have every movie out there, but isn't that what movie theaters and DVDs are for? I mean, think about it- Ch131 puts every TV show up less than a day after it is aired, and thats not even the best part...its all free! Why waste money on cable and a TV when you have free unlimited access online and there is barely a wait? I know I was really nervous about sharing a TV with my roommate this year, especially when we don't have DVR and thus cannot record our shows, but that worry went away the second I first logged on to Ch131. Is this website, along with other similar ones, going to take over the world of Television? Or is there still use for that big black screen that takes up so much more space and empties your wallet?
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You actually took the post I was just about to ask... well ironically enough as a TV junkie, I don't even have a function TV in my dorm room (seriously it broke, like literally exploded the other day). I watch 3 episodes of TV a day on, the occasional movie on, and live sports on The TV is becoming just another outdated piece of equipment, but I do not think the world will ever let go of televisions as a whole. TVs allow for more people to watch as well as better quality, and that is what truly matters when one is watching in HD. I do think the internet will substantially hurt the TV market, but in the end, its just another form of old media.
ReplyDeleteIt is funny because my TV is so small and my roommate and I only use it to watch something occasionally. We usually just use ch131 or because we both love watching whatever we want to watch on our own time. It is also much easier to maneuver and it is much more convenient. On a different note, these websites do not always work and sometimes they cause problems with my computer. Consequently, I think that television will still be a necessity for a variety of reasons. For one, like Brandon said, it has much better quality and it allows for people to watch shows all together in one room. Televisions also allow people to play video games and because of the bigger screen, I do not think people would choose to play a game on a computer instead. Also for those who love the traditional aspect of sitting on a couch and watching the game or sitting with friends and watching a movie on a screen, I think that these people would not be willing to just give up that experience. It is the whole idea of watching a movie or a sports game on a television that adds to the experience in ways that a computer screen would be not be able to do. It kind of relates back to the idea of reading a book or reading through a computer screen. People tend to feel more comfortable choosing the more traditional option. Also, watching something on television is much more reliable because like i mentioned earlier, these websites do not always work. I think that it just depends upon what mood you are in and I think that websites like ch131 provide more options but will not replace television as a whole. So to answer your question sophie, I think there will still be use for that big black screen.