Sunday, April 3, 2011


Rebecca Black.  Sound familiar? Thanks to the accessibility of, it should sound familiar to over 80 million viewers.  Yes, 80 million viewers.  More than Lady Gaga's new single "Born This Way."  So what's the deal?  How can something so ridiculous become that popular in such a short amount of time? Well, that's the beauty of the internet. One, anyone can access it. Two, it's quick and easy. According to Holly Richmand's Blog, however, Rebecca Black's success is all about the marketing. How else would can something get so viral that the only way it's possible to not have seen it is if "you've been sticking marsh mellows in your eye sockets"? Richmand states that there are three keys to Black's marketing success. First, Branding is essential. She states that Ark Music Factory, the producer of the video, has its name all over Black's video, so it can be accessed through their youtube channel. Next, it has been integrated into all social sites, including Facebook and Twitter, so that the video literally cannot be escaped. This way, if one person sees it, it is likely they will show it to all their friends, and the cycle will continue. Lastly, Richmand discusses the importance of new apps, such as Qik, which helps stream and share videos through mobile phones. Everyone has a mobile phone- this is the best way for videos to go viral. So what do you guys think- "Friday" by Rebecca Black- fluke or marketing genius?

1 comment:

  1. Soph,

    This is a perfect example of how the Internet brings power back to the people. I find this funny mainly because when I think of music sensations I usually think of actual groups like Backstreet Boys, NYSYNC, ect; but now more so then ever its individual videos making their way from nothing-ness to fame. In the 90s people would say hip-hop sensation Ricky Martin, but now it has become Youtube Sensation Charlie bit my finger. The world is changing, and the people who adapt sooner will be the ones who make it out the best.
