Monday, April 11, 2011

Blogging: New Media's best form of expression

When I first heard that we would have to blog in SWC 200, I instantly thought to all of the people who regard it as a disgraceful and useless form of writing.  After the entire semester of typing away on "The Go Blue Crew" I have a very different mindset then I originally thought.  I love blogging.  It is the literal one place where I can say what I want, whatever I want, and have no worries of a teacher marking it as wrong or fear that people won't like what I say.  I don't have to care what others think on my blog, it is where I can be me, write like me, and feel like me.  In all honesty I may consider to keep a blog after this class is over, simply because I love what a blog allows me to do.  Blogging is the New Media version of a journal, and to any 13 year old girl (or myself) it is the best thing since sliced bread.  Composing a blog is not nearly as strenuous or painful as writing anything academic.  I wouldn't go as far to say that blogging has changed how I feel about writing, as by no means do I now enjoy research papers, but I would say blogging is a much less painful way to get your ideas across.  For example, I'm in the UGLi right now doing this post before I start my "real work".  In addition I love how one can add visuals to any post, making even the most boring of posts somewhat entertaining.  I perceive myself as a humorous blogger, but that could easily be just my ego.  I think I have the potential to bring a voice that is different, yet at the same time is common sensical and understands what is going on.  I am very flexible and can handle both a serious issue like the chaos in Japan as well as something humorous like Dave Chappelle's Comedy Tour.  In the future I plan on blogging a little more, who knows maybe I ditch blogging and just focus on my twitter (@bci2892), but one thing for certain is that there are many more New Media Writing adventures out there for me to conquer.


  1. Brandon,
    You talk about a lot of things in your reflection that I really agree with. First, you mention how your mindset on blogging has changed since you started. Just like you, I thought blogging was a bit weird, and a pretty useless form of writing. However, now that I have been blogging for a few months I realize it's not useless, it actually has great purpose and is not nearly as easy as it seems. Blogging is a unique form of writing that you really do get better at the more you do it. I also agree with you that it serves as a platform where you can speak about anything, because it's your blog and no one else's. Lastly, I think that you brought up a good point about how this class forced us to blog about topics that were not so serious but also major issues such as the earthquake in Japan. This has forced me to become a more versatile writer, which I think will help me in other classes and in the future.

  2. Brandon and Tyler,
    I'm sure the majority of people have a misrepresentation of blogging in their minds, as I too, thought it was a way for "weird" people to do some babbling, or useless writing. However, after having a couple of months of blogging under my belt, I know that this is untrue- blogs can be about anything, even academic!
    Also, Brandon, I like your point about blogging being the journal of the new age. I completely agree. This blog will always be accessible online and I can look through what I was thinking almost every day for the past 4 or so months, just by reading my posts. I think that's a reason for which many people blog- to keep track of their thoughts in an organized, simple, and creative way. Do you agree?
