Sunday, April 10, 2011

Puppy War Addiction

What is it about technology, the internet specifically, that is so addicting? Is it that it is so much fun that people don't want to stop surfing the web or is it like a bottle of coke, where once you've had a taste you just have to keep drinking? I'm talking about here. The basic gist of Puppy War is a place where people post the cutest picture of their dog, then the site matches up two pictures of different dogs, and everyone who visits the site clicks on which they think is the "cuter" dog, and every time they pick, the site tells them the percentage of wins and losses each dog has gotten, then it takes them to a new matchup. Pretty simple, isn't it? So then why is it so hard to stop voting? The other day, I showed my friend the website. He doesn't even like dogs, but the next day he claimed that he was on it for an hour. Is this just that good of a website or is there something else to it? In my opinion, I think that it is pretty fun to look at all the cute puppies, but shouldn't that not be the case for somebody who doesn't even like animals? I think the answer to this is yes, but the reason that the continuous voting cycle is so hard to break is because every time a new matchup appears, the viewer just says to him/herself "just one more" and those words, "just one more", continue until an hour or more has passed, much like the case with my friend. What do you guys think, are the dogs just too cute or is there some other reason for the difficulty to exit the site?

photo from:


  1. This is a great website. There is no premise to it at all. It is literally the exact same idea as Neopets, one creates an online friend and through the dedication of time he or she can turn their pet into the greatest, or cutest, pet that the game has to offer. There is absolutely no point to it, other then waste time and watch meaningless advertisements. Puppywar: a easy way to waste time.

  2. Brandon,
    An easy way to waste time, what a great way to put it, but unfortunately it is so true! My friend actually told me about this website at the beginning of the semester and while in lecture I would see her on the website clicking away. Just like Facebook or Twitter or any other interactive website, they can definitely take you away from what is important such as taking notes or doing work. Although I am talking in a negative light, I cannot say that I haven't been addicted to this website once myself. You just do not realize how much valuable time passes by and you keep clicking, until hours have passed and you are dreading that you haven't even started your work. In general, the internet is extremely addicting. The dogs might be extremely cute but it also the interaction through the computer screen that keeps me hooked and I am sure I can say the same for other people as well!
