Monday, March 7, 2011

The future is soon
Every movie of the future has a few predictions of how society will change in common: flying cars, shinier clothing, and of course all money being electronic and off of paper.  You can look at Back to the Future, Blade Runner, Minority Report, all of which involve money being something other then a combination of cotton and green dye.   Imagine a world with no real money, but where everything is swiped.  Businesses like pizza places and bagel stores would lose thousands of money, gas stations would have to make prices based on credit and debit rather then cash, and places like strip clubs and brothels will now have to show up on the credit cards of thousands.
Now some think this change is inevitable, simply because we are shifting towards a society that everything is monitored, from the information on your Facebook down to the blogs and people you follow.  Minority Report actually satires this in their movie whenever a customer enters a store, his or her eye is scanned and then a consuming profile is pulled up showing all of their past purchases and recent transactions.
But how unrealistic is this?  Facebook now sells its user's information to advertisers and marketers for not only research, but also for sales information.  If we take a logical progression it is only logical to assume that stores will now be able to swipe our cards and know everything from the clothes we wear and even to the things you like and dislike.  The world is changing, and information is becoming more and more available to anyone and everyone.
The sad thing is there is very little anyone can do to prevent the trend.  People are not going to get off Facebook.  All the power lies in the users, and they are to obsessed to find any type of solution or compromise in the matter.  Now all that is left is to sit back, relax, and enjoy the electronic ride.

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